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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Zika Virus Reaches Puerto Rico

From Latin Post:

Earlier this month, news broke out that the Zika virus which cause micro-
cephaly in newborn babies reached Puerto Rico. As per Inquisitr, Puerto
Rico's representative in congress, Pedro Pierluisi released a statement re-
garding Zika fever.

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed the first Zika
virus case in Puerto Rico. The said virus already infested Puerto Rico's neigh-
boring countries such as Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Colombia, Paragu-
ay and Mexico. Puerto Rico's Health Secretary, Ana Rius, was the one who
confirmed that the Zika virus that hit the Puerto Rican victim was acquired
from a local mosquito after a thorough investigation considering the fact that
the patient has not traveled recently.

As per Pierluisi, though the virus may have reached Puerto Rico, residents
should not panic as it is only a single case. He did however warn the public
to make necessary precautions such as wearing long pants and using insect
repellents...[CONTINUE READING]

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