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Friday, June 10, 2016

Puerto Rico News Digest For June 10, 2016


From Caribbean Business:

"The Supreme Court says Puerto Rico remains a U.S. territory without the
independent powers of a sovereign state when it comes to enforcement of
criminal law. The justices’ 6-2 ruling on the Puerto Rico v. Sánchez Valle
case says Congress is the ultimate source of the island’s legal power even
though Puerto Rico has its own constitution. “The Double Jeopardy Clause
bars Puerto Rico and the United States from successively prosecuting a sin-
gle person for the same conduct under equivalent criminal laws,” reads the
court’s decision, which was released Thursday morning..."


The U.S. House of Representatives passed bill HR5278, more commonly kn-
own as 'Promesa' yesterday evening by a vote of  297-127. The bill would es-
tablish an unelected financial control board which would be involved in restr-
ucturing Puerto Rico's $70 billion in debt and managing the territory's finances. 
'Promesa' now goes to the Senate, and if approved there, would go then to Pre-
sident Obama, whose signature would turn the bill into law. Puerto Rico has a 
$2 billion debt payment due on July 1, and it is hoped that the bill can be sig-
ned into law by that time. 'Promesa' has been controversial on the island, with 
supporters claiming it is necessary to avoid a complete economic meltdown, 
while opponents have expressed concerns over Puerto Rico's government sp-
ending being under the control of an unelected board.


From US Attorney's Office:

"A federal grand jury returned a one-count indictment [on Wednesday] agai-
nst two individuals for carjacking, announced United States Attorney Rosa
Emilia Rodríguez-Vélez. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is in charge of
the investigation. The indictment alleges that on or about June 2, 2016, in the
District of Puerto Rico, Bernard Díaz-Pérez and Jessenia Salgado-Ortiz, aid-
ing and abetting each other, with the intent to cause death and serious bodily
harm, did take a motor vehicle, to wit: a red 2008 Scion, model XD, that had
been transported, shipped or received in interstate or foreign commerce, from
the presence of F.N.R., by force, violence and intimidation, resulting in serious
bodily injury, that is, sexually assaulting a female passenger, all while using a
replica gun..."


From PRTC:

"The Puerto Rican Tourism Company (PRTC) is currently reporting a 100%
occupancy rate for local hotel partners in Boquerón, Puerto Rico—and the su-
rrounding areas on the west coast—with no reported cancellations, as travelers
flock to Puerto Rico in celebration of LGBT Pride weekend. Dozens of hotels
in the west region are currently booked to capacity in the area where key Pride
activities are taking place from June 9-12, 2016, even with heightened Zika

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