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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Economic hardships in Puerto Rico spur a mass exodus to the U.S. mainland


Miami Herald

Yessenia Puente is disenchanted with the Isla del Encanto.

She became a widow six years ago. Public schools don’t provide a safe environ-
ment for her three children. Her income as a hotel manager barely covers living
expenses, much less private school tuition. And every two days, she must con-
tend with no running water at home due to water rationing measures imposed
by the government in response to a prolonged drought.

So on the same day that a new 11.5 percent consumer tax took effect last week ,
a moving truck showed up at Puente’s apartment in the Carolina suburb of San
Juan to load up her belongings for shipment to Orlando. The boxes were marked
with “#1465” — that is the number of families this one moving company, La Ro-
sa del Monte, has packed for Orlando since January.

“I’ve been thinking about it for a while because I’ve seen how things are deterio-
rating,” said Puente, 35. “But with everything happening now, I decided it’s time
to go. The system doesn’t work here.”...[CONTINUE READING]

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