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Monday, February 15, 2016

Puerto Rico News Digest For February 15, 2016


A 20-year-old man from Fajardo's Puerto Real housing project has turned
himself in to police after allegedly poisoning his 23-month-old twin daugh-
ters, one of whom died Saturday at Caribbean Medical hospital. Doctors in-
formed police that the deceased infant's body also showed signs of abuse.
The father had been estranged from the family but recently returned. Accor-
ding to the girls' mother, he had become abusive, but she had been afraid of
reporting the incidents. The suspect is being held at Fajardo police headquar-
ters and is expected to be charged today.


From Fox News Latino:

"A 58-year-old Chicago man died Saturday morning in a skydiving accident
that occurred when he apparently had problems controlling his parachute af-
terit opened, authorities said. Police say that Gaby Ferraca died Saturday mor-
ning at the 14th annual skydiving festival at the island's Arecibo regional air-
port. Event organizer Jason Gonzalez said the death was the first associated
with the festival in 15 years. Federal Aviation Administration officials, police
and prosecutors are investigating the accident, according to a police report..."


From Caribbean Business:

The president of the Metropolitan Bus Authority (AMA by its Spanish acro-
nym) union, Alexis Merced, said the government will be implementing a plan
for partial layoffs starting Monday. Merced, of the United Workers (Tuama)
union, said AMA will be the first public corporation in which the measure will
be carried out. “This government has consistently said there will be no layoffs.
However, starting next Monday, there will be partial layoffs at AMA when ab-
out 50 workers will have their workday reduced to 20 hours a week,” he claimed.
The measure was notified to the workers in a statement by AMA President Héc-
tor Iván Santos, the labor leader said. “According to Santos’ written expressions,
the measure seeks to send home employees who report to work and AMA says
it has no assignments for them that day,” the union spokesman said..."


From The San Juan Daily Star:

"Gov. Alejandro García Padilla on Thursday lauded the Puerto Rico Senate’s
vote to restructure the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA), saying
the measure guarantees that PREPA will not be privatized and will remain in
the hands of the Puerto Rican people. The Senate passed the measure Wednes-
day night in a 16-10 vote. “This bill guarantees the stabilization of the electri-
city bill to the extent that it permits us to...produce energy efficiently, permits
external investment in the production of energy as is the case with [two existing
private energy companies] Ecoeléctrica and AES,” the governor said in a press
conference at La Fortaleza. “And it also guarantees that [PREPA]  continues to
be ours, that there will be no fi rings of public employees and  that there is a
flow of capital to be able to buy fuel and diversify the source of energy...”

1 comment:

  1. Rip lil angel... May he regret the day he thought of abusing this child!
