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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Puerto Rico News Digest For September 8, 2015


Police officer Miguel Pérez Ríos, age 32, was gunned down in cold blood
by four individuals early on Sunday morning near a Shell gas station on PR-
838 in Caimito. After repeatedly shooting him, the killers left the officer's
body sprawled on the pavement before fleeing the scene. The deceased lea-
ves  behind three children, plus another one that is expected to be born this
coming November. Pérez Ríos had reportedly received threats recently, li-
kely resulting from his activities as a police officer. An uncle told El Nuevo
Dia, "Because he threw so many people in jail, for drugs and things, people
had threatened to kill him". Pérez Ríos had been honored as "Officer of The
Year" on three separate occasions. Police are reportedly holding an individu-
al for questioning in relation to the murder.


From Caribbean Business:

Multiple unions announced Monday they will march to the Puerto Ri-
co Capitol on Friday, at 3 p.m., against the government's fiscal adjust-
ment plan. Puerto Rican Workers Union (SPT by its Spanish initials)
President Roberto Pagán said a document leaked weeks ago belonging
to V2 Action, which provides consulting to the government's fiscal ad-
justment committee, proposes measures that affect workers, public ser-
vices and the University of Puerto Rico. The union president said "the
implementation of these measures will aggravate the economy, worsen
the quality of jobs, increase social inequality, degrade the environment
further and push more Puerto Ricans into exile."


From The San Juan Daily Star:

Public Aff airs Secretary Jesús Manuel Ortiz said the governor will
continue to give the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA)
free rein in its restructuring talks but did not say if it will support a
hike in power rates needed to bring the public corporation to sustai-
nability. “We have given them all the space they need without inter-
vening,” Ortiz said. “All we want is for them to negotiate a deal that
is good for the public corporation and the infrastructure.” Ortiz said
a proposed rate hike was not part of the negotiations. However, it is
part of PREPA’s recovery plan to put the utility on a sustainable path.


From Fox News Latino:

About 475,000 minors live in poverty in Puerto Rico, according to fi-
gures from the 2015 Kids Count Data Book and the Puerto Rico Youth
Development Institute, or IDJ. Seven of the 16 indicators measured by
the Kids Count Data Book worsened for Puerto Rico in comparison with
five years ago, IDJ executive director Xiomara Caro said. "In many of
these indicators, especially in those in the economic well-being category,
we're worse than Mississippi, which is the poorest state in the United Sta-
tes," said Caro regarding the study, which revealed that 83 percent of the
children in Puerto Rico live in zones of high poverty.

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